Basic Details

apfanews.com is the largest news portal providing comprehensive news and analysis on Bhutan.

This news portal provides detailed news and updates on Bhutan, Bhutan and anything related to them. News and analysis on the portal is balanced, neutral and will not be inspired by some people or government influence. Our goal is to highlight the issues of development and promotion of democratic policies and values ​​of the country, undemocratic activities, human rights violations and the implementation of the President informed by the President of the draft constitution.

We welcome critical writings about political leaders and organizations in exile and about Bhutan or the Bhutanese King and his government, but with the assurance that respectful and dignified language is used. It is understood that what we hope will be to promote Bhutan's democratic values ​​and policies is to strengthen the state's brutality against the rulers and fighters, the collection of undemocratic policies and its citizens in order to improve the atmosphere of free debate on things and bad.

Brand Details
Brand Name APFA News
Founded 2004
Type Daily Newspaper
Language English