
Basic Details

Javadan is a neutral, independent, and free online publication that works to promote dissent and promote democracy in Afghanistan.

"Eternal" believes that freedom is a human value; People must be able to express their opinions, thoughts and beliefs without hesitation.

It further believes that democracy - the rule of the people by the people and the political participation of the people in political and economic power - is the most appropriate way to run Afghanistan.

"Immortal" welcomes the cooperation of all journalists, writers, civil society activists and those who are interested in defending freedom of expression and democracy in the country. Authors can make this site more informative, informative and interesting by submitting their articles and essays.

It should be noted that "Javadan" is responsible for publishing the content but will not be responsible for the content. Content does not necessarily reflect the location of the site.

Brand Details
Brand Name Jawedan
Founded 2007
Type Newsportal
Editor-in-chief Abdullah Karami
Language Persian, Dari and Pashto
Headquarters Moqadasi Mohamad Mühlentalstrasse 135 8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland